While Kanbun Uechi was in Wakayama, Japan, his eldest son Kanei lived in Okinawa with his mother. After Kanei reached thirteen years of age, he lived with his grandmother for three years.
In 1927, at sixteen years old, Kanei traveled to Wakayama and joined his father. Kanei joined the Shataku dojo and began chuan fa training under his father.
Kanei soon realized he would be the successor of the martial arts legacy left by his father. He took this responsibility seriously and trained daily with great enthusiasm to become proficient in Pangainoon. After ten years of rigorous study Kanei Uechi received a certificate of instruction and full proficiency from his father in 1937. At age 26, he opened a branch dojo of his own, the Osaka dojo.
In 1941, Kanei Uechi was promoted by his father to Master level. In 1942, Kanei, with his wife and family, returned to his mother's new home in the village of Miyazato, near Nago, Okinawa.
Excerpts from "The Secrets of Uechi Ryu Karate and The Mysteries of Okinawa" and "The History of Uechi-Ryu Karate"